In this post we have shared an overview and download link of BRS Pathology 5th Edition PDF. Read the quick review below and download the PDF by using links given at the end of the post.
This powerful, easy-to-use resource presents the essentials of pathology in the popular Board Review Series outline format that highlights the most tested topics for the USMLE Step 1. Packed with new content; high-yield topics; concise descriptions; more than 450 USMLE-style questions with complete answers and explanations; and full-color illustrations, photomicrographs, and radiologic images, BRS Pathology, Sixth Edition, provides everything needed for course success and board exam prep.
Features of BRS Pathology 6th Edition PDF:
Following are the features of this book given below;
- An easy-to-scan outline format with bolded key terms and summary tables enables concise review and exam preparation.
- Chapter-ending exams focus on high-yield, clinical content.
- An end-of-book Comprehensive Exam helps students gauge their mastery of key topics.
- New cross-references in the answers to the Comprehensive Exam use an outline format (section number/letter) to facilitate efficient study and easy linking in all formats.
- Many new full-color photomicrographsand schematic illustration provide visual learning and review.
- Key topic icons help students quickly locate important content.
- An online interactive question bank features all the questions from the book for anytime, anywhere test preparation and review.
Here is the list of chapters of BRS pathology;
Cellular Reaction to Injury
- I. Adaptation to Environmental Stress
- II. Hypoxic Cell Injury
- III. Free Radical Injury
- IV. Chemical Cell Injury
- V. Necrosis
- VI. Apoptosis
- VII. Reversible Cellular Changes and Accumulations
- VIII.Disorders Characterized by Abnormalities of Protein Folding
- review Test
- I. Introduction 17
- II. Acute Inflammation 17
- III. Chronic Inflammation 24
- IV. Tissue Repair 26
- review Test 28
Hemodynamic Dysfunction
- I. Hemorrhage
- II. Hyperemia
- III. Infarction
- IV. Thrombosis
- V. Embolism
- VI. Edema
- VII. Shock
- review Test
Genetic Disorders
- I. Chromosomal Disorders
- II. Modes of Inheritance of Monogenic Disorders
- III. Mendelian Disorders
- IV. Balanced Polymorphism
- V. Polygenic and Multifactorial Disorders
- VI. Disorders of Sexual Differentiation
- review Test
Immune Dysfunction
- I. Cells of the Immune System
- II. Cytokines
- III. Complement System
- IV. Human Leukocyte Antigen System
- V. Innate versus Acquired Immunity
- VI. Mechanisms of Immune Injury
- VII. Transplantation Immunology
- VIII. Immunodeficiency Diseases
- IX. Autoimmunity
- X. Connective Tissue (Collagen) Diseases
- XI. Amyloidosis
- review Test
- I. General Considerations
- II. Classification and Nomenclature of Tumors
- III. Properties of Neoplasms
- IV. Carcinogenesis and Etiology
- V. Other Neoplastic Disorders with Known DNA Defects
- VI. Grading and Staging
- review Test
Environmental Pathology
- I. Physical Injury
- II. Chemical Abuse
- III. Environmental Chemical Injuries
- IV. Adverse Effects of Therapeutic Drugs
- review Tes
Nutritional Disorder
- I. Malnutrition
- II. Vitamins
- III. Obesity
- review Test
Vascular System
- I. Arterial Disorders
- II. Venous Disorders
- III. Tumors of Blood Vessels
- IV. Vasculitis Syndromes (Vasculitides)
- V. Functional Vascular Disorders
- VI. Hypertension
- review Test
The Heart
- I. Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD)
- II. Rheumatic Fever
- III. Other Forms of Endocarditis
- IV. Valvular Heart Disease
- V. Congenital Heart Disease
- VI. Diseases of the Myocardium
- VII. Diseases of the Pericardium
- VIII. Tumors of the Heart
- IX. Congestive Heart Failure
- X. Hypertrophy of the Heart
- review Test
- I. General Concepts
- II. Acute Posthemorrhagic Anemia
- III. Iron Deficiency Anemia
- IV. Megaloblastic Anemias
- V. Anemia of Chronic Disease
- VI. Aplastic Anemia
- VII. Myelophthisic Anemia
- VIII. Hemolytic Anemias
- review Test
Neoplastic and Prolifrrative Disorder Hematopoietic and Lymphoid system
- I. Leukemia
- II. Myeloproliferative Diseases
- III. Non-Neoplastic Lymphoid Proliferations
- IV. Plasma Cell Disorders
- V. Lymphoid Neoplasms
- review Test
Heamorrhagic Disorder
- I. Disorders of Primary Hemostasis
- II. Disorders of Secondary Hemostasis
- III. Combined Primary and Secondary Hemostatic Defects
- review Test
Respiratory System
- I. Disorders of the Upper Respiratory Tract
- II. Tumors of the Upper Respiratory Tract
- III. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- IV. Restrictive Pulmonary Disease
- V. Pulmonary Vascular Disease
- VI. Pulmonary Infection
- VII. Miscellaneous Disorders of the Lungs
- VIII. Cancers of the Lung
- review Test
Gastrointestinal Track
- I. Diseases of the Mouth and Jaw
- II. Diseases of the Salivary Glands
- III. Diseases of the Esophagus
- IV. Diseases of the Stomach
- V. Diseases of the Small Intestine
- VI. Diseases of the Colon
- VII. Diseases of the Appendix
- review Test
Liver, Gallbladder and Exocrine Pancreas
- I. Diseases of the Liver
- II. Diseases of the Gallbladder
- III. Diseases of the Exocrine Pancreas
- review Test
Kidney and Urinary Track
- I. Congenital Anomalies of the Urinary Tract
- II. Glomerular Diseases
- III. Urinary Tract Obstruction
- IV. Infection of the Urinary Tract and Kidney
- V. Tubular and Interstitial Disorders of the Kidney
- VI. Diffuse Cortical Necrosis
- VII. Nephrocalcinosis
- VIII. Urolithiasis
- IX. Cystic Diseases of the Kidney
- X. Renal Failure
- XI. Nonrenal Causes of Azotemia
- XII. Tumors of the Kidney, Urinary Tract, and Bladder
- review Test
Male Reproductive System
- I. Vulva and Vagina
- II. Uterine Cervix
- III. Uterine Corpus
- IV. Fallopian Tubes
- V. Ovaries
- VI. Disorders of Pregnancy
- VII. Breast
- review Test
Female Reproductive System and Breast
- I. Pituitary
- II. Thyroid Gland
- III. Parathyroid Glands
- IV. Adrenal Glands
- V. Endocrine Pancreas
- VI. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) Syndromes
- review Test
Endocrine System
- I. Pituitary
- II. Thyroid Gland
- III. Parathyroid Glands
- IV. Adrenal Glands
- V. Endocrine Pancreas
- VI. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) Syndromes
- review Test
- I. Terminology Relating to Skin Diseases 342
- II. Inflammatory and Vesicular Lesions 342
- III. Disorders of Pigmentation 344
- IV. Disorders of Viral Origin 345
- V. Miscellaneous Skin Disorders 345
- VI. Skin Malignancies 347
- review Test 349
Musculoskeletal System
- I. Diseases of Skeletal Muscle
- II. Diseases of Bone
- III. Diseases of Joints
- IV. Soft Tissue Tumors
- review Test
Nervous System
- I. Congenital Disorders
- II. Cerebrovascular Disease
- III. Head Injuries
- IV. Infections
- V. Demyelinating Diseases
- VI. Degenerative Diseases
- VII. Tumors
- VIII. Ocular Disorders
- review Test
Interpretation of Diagnostic Test and Laboratory Statistics
- I. General Considerations
- II. Sensitivity and Specificity
- III. Positive and Negative Predictive Values
- IV. Variation
- review Test
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