In this following post we share PDF link of HARSH MOHAN TEXTBOOK OF PATHOLOGY with a quick overview and features. The PDF link is available at the end section of this post. Harsh Mohan Textbook of Pathology has been fully revised to provide the most up to date information on the latest developments in the field.
Brief Review:
The eighth edition of the renowned Textbook of Pathology, by Harsh Mohan, has been fully revised to provide the most up to date information on the latest developments in the field. Divided into three sections – General Pathology, Haematopoietic and Lymphoreticular System, and Systemic Pathology – the new edition covers numerous diseases, their causes, mechanisms, pathophysiology, classification, morphology, and clinical aspects.
Features new Edition Offer:
Each topic concludes with a summary of key points and features photographs, diagrams and tables. Each chapter features review questions and many include a clinical case related to the topic.
Three appendices conclude the book covering basic diagnostic cytopathology, answers and discussion on the clinical cases, and normal values. The textbook is accompanied by a free book ‘Pathology Quick Review’ which features MCQs with answers and explanations.
Features Textbook Of Pathology 9th Edition PDF:
Following is the list of main features of Harsh Mohan pathology book;
- Revised and Updated Text: Insertion of latest information between the lines in various aspects of diseases- additional causes, recent mechanism and newer diagnostic techniques.
- Current criteria of diagnosis of common diseases and most recent WHO classification of neoplasms along with references have been included in all chapters.
- 25 new tables have been added in different chapters while others have been updated.
- It follows simple, lucid, easily understandable and reproducible, user-friendly format.
- At the end of every topic, distinctive eye-catching colour boxes have been added summarising bulleted key points for a rapid revision of the subject in an ultra-short time.
- This new feature of revised edition as a paragraph at the beginning of every chapter, giving an overview of what is going to be learnt in that chapter in a systematic sequence.
Table Of Contents:
- Introduction to Pathology
- Techniques for the Study of Pathology
- Cell Injury and Cellular Adaptations
- . Immunopathology Including Amyloidosis
- Derangements of Homeostasis and Haemodynamics
- Inflammation and Healing
- Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
- Neoplasia
- Environmental and Nutritional Diseases
- Genetic and Paediatric Diseases
- Basic Diagnostic Cytology
- Introduction to Haematopoietic System and Disorders of Erythroid Series
- Disorders of Platelets, Bleeding Disorders and Basic Transfusion Medicine
- Disorders of Leucocytes and Lymphoreticular Tissues
- The Blood Vessels and Lymphatics
- The Heart
- The Respiratory System
- The Eye, ENT and Neck
- The Oral Cavity and Salivary Glands
- The Gastrointestinal Tract
- The Liver, Biliary Tract and Exocrine Pancreas
- The Kidney and Lower Urinary Tract
- The Male Reproductive System and Prostate
- The Female Genital Tract 25. The Breast
- The Skin 27. The Endocrine System
- The Musculoskeletal System
- Soft Tissue Tumours 30. The Nervous System.
Book’s details:
- Language: : English
- Paperback : 1028 pages
- Item Weight : 5.64 pounds
Harsh Mohan: MD FAMS FICPath FUICC
Former Professor & Head, Department of Pathology, Former Dean, Former Medical Superintendent, Government Medical College, Chandigarh, India; Editor-in-Chief, Indian Journal of Pathologists and Microbiologists; President, Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists.
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Last words and About Download link:
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